Feuerstein’s Instrumental Enrichment

Learning how to Learn

Feuerstein’s Instrumental Enrichment (FIE) was developed by renowned cognitive psychologist, Reuven Feuerstein, as an outgrowth of his Dynamic Assessment, the Learning Propensity Assessment Devise (LPAD).  Feuerstein needed a cognitive intervention program to build up the deficient cognitive functions illuminated by the LPAD.  The major role of FIE is to improve the learning capacity of students, by modifying their cognitive processes through enhanced Mediated Learning Experiences. 

The core of the FIE program is a series of problem solving tasks and exercises, grouped into different areas of cognitive functioning.  Virtually free of content/subject matter, they are called instruments rather than lessons or worksheets as the process of learning is targeted, rather than any specific skill.  The purpose is to serve as the starting point for process oriented interactions between teacher (Mediator) and students while developing, refining and crystallization of cognitive function/operations.

 The FIE program is based on several goals.  The main goal of the program is to increase an individual’s ability to change and learn (Cognitive Modifiability).  Sub goals include the correction of deficient cognitive functions (as identified through observation and the LPAD), the acquisition of concepts and labels, the production of intrinsic motivation for learning, the production of reflective and insightful thinking processes, and the development of an active learning attitude (Feuerstein 1995).  FIE provides problem solving tasks, strategies for solving problems, and discussions for insight (bridging) in order for students to strengthen cognitive functions and acquire the prerequisites for learning. It also enables students to create meaningful connections between learning and daily life.  In essence, students learn through structured learning experience; they learn how to learn effectively and efficiently.

Originally Feuerstein developed this program for low performing learners; Instrumental Enrichment has successfully been implemented with many populations in over 80 countries around the world. Today Feuerstein has developed two different programs, first developed in the 1950.  The standard versions was designed for those functioning above grade level four, contains 14 instruments and builds vocabulary and thinking skills in a sequential and engaging manner.  The Basic Program, developed more recently in the year 2000, is designed for those individuals in functioning at or below grade 3.  FIE-Basic focus on formation of concepts (ex. size, shape, color, direction, frequency)  as well as building language and the base for higher level thinking skills such as logic and hypothetical thinking.

Material adapted from Feuerstein, R.; Feuerstein, R.; Falik, L.; Rand, Y. (2006).  The Instrumental Enrichment Program, ICELP Publications, Jerusalem, Israel.